To prepare the Guacamole, recipe hailing from
Mexico but very diffused and appreciated in the whole South of USA, to
Jacksonville Beach (Florida) for my American friends, it has been an hazard, an
irresponsible choice made on the emotional wave of the desire to cook something
that reentered in their alimentary habits, however without to consider that the
parterre "judging" it had good knowledge of the dish. But here as it
has gone...narrated in third person (better maintaining the anonymity and to
take the distances, one never knows...hihhihhi).
That morning she woke up soon, well soon
relatively to the time to which they had gone to bed. That morning was not an
wichever morning, it was the 4th of July, the Indipendence Day, the
day of the Stars and Strips pride. The day in which, on the contrary than can
be believed, the national identity becomes the pretext to turn everything into
a great anarchic circus, where there are not rules and commandments with the
exception of the respect for the others.
The Matt’s house in Jax Beach was silent, her
friends slept everybody. Also in the road there was not anybody and that piece
of city, that it extends along the sea, appeared completely different in
compared to the night before when it was invaded by people busy only to have a
good time. She washed herself and put on her bikini decided to go to beach and
to enjoy a bit of that loneliness.
Instead she was in bicycle with Josh on the
road that run to the supermarket. He had caught her, got up really while she
crossed the door of house toward the beach. "I want to prepare the
breakfast. I must go to buy eggs and bacon. Do you want to come with me?".
"Sure that I want to come!" - she answered.
Enter into the alimentary’s stores was for her
as for a child to enter in a funfair: thousands of different products all to be
discovered and orderly with maniacal precision for commodities sector, typology
and brand. Every time she discovered something new that it made her come the
desire to experiment new dishes and the curiosity to know the kitchen of the
visits also allowed her to make a sort of sociological study of that people of
that South opposite to her. She observed the purchase’s behaviors, the way to interact
between the persons and she convinced always more that the theory of Feuerbach
"We are what we eat" was one of the most acute philosophical
observations of the last two centuries. Women and men orderly like the products
on the shelves, smiling and with the relaxed and winning behaviors just as in
the most classical of the food and drink’s advertisements. Quick and practical,
as the dishes that generally they prepare and of which do not particularly take
care of the presentation and the way to eat them, attitude this that they reproduce
in their outfit and in the gestures not really polished.

The selection most
difficult resulted what kind of beers: dozens of tipes, natural or spicy,
coming from all over the world: the heaven of the barley and the hop. But Josh
went her to help and knew how to address her to the best choice.
They came
back at home with their bags, satisfied as the babies to the return from the recreation
ground each with their own souvenir, and they got ready to prepare the one’s
own "specialty".
In the
meantime the house on the beach had started to become animated and the kitchen
became the meeting’s point for all of its inhabitants. Other friends arrived,
among which Sherri, her best friend, also her loaded of grocery shopping: shrimps,
coconut milk, salad, bread and avocados. "These are for you", she
told her, "I have bought them to the farmer market this morning."
Sherri knew her well and she also knew that kind of gift made her happy. And given that
her happiness consist in the pleasure to give pleasure, she transformed, reconsidering
slightly the original recipe, those greens buttery fruits in a fresh guacamole to be shared with everybody.
Ingredients (for 6-8 persons): 2 ripe avocados;
2 limes or 1 lemon; 1 clove of garlic (optional); 2 scallions or ½ white onion;
red hot pepper, salt, black pepper q.b; 1 tablespoon of extra vergin olive oil;
1 red tomato and 1 teaspoon of ground cilantro or parsley.
Procedure: Halve the avocados in the sense of
the length. Extract their big pits and peel them. Put the pulp in a bowl and spill
it with the juice of limes or lemon so that do not oxidize its.
Smash with
a fork up to reduce it in purée and seasoned with salt, pepper and red hot
pepper. Add, if you want it, the clove of garlic pressed down.
Stir well all
Clean the scallions
and, after having rinsed them and dried, cut them to slivers. Wash also the
tomato and reduce it in dice.
transfer the guacamole in a small cup or in a small terrine and decorate it
with the vegetables, cilantro or parsley and the olive oil.
Suggestions: The versatility of this sauce
gives you the opportunity to serve it as appetizer with the classical tortillas
chips, with croutons of bread or with what more you prefer. You can use it to
accompany flat of rice, meat or fish.
I season the
spaghetti with guacamole and I guarantee you that they are a true delight.
Proof in pudding.
Good things
of the South to everybody.
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