lunedì 17 marzo 2014

Asparagus to the vapor with omelet maltreated with curcuma

In odor of Spring and desire to reenter in my beautiful jeans that don't enter anymore, I have thought a healthy, fast and very tasty recipe. The spicy note and the color of the curcuma will enrich this dish with an unusual exotic feature.

As usual, my recommendation is that to use fresh ingredients and of which can possibly verify the origin of it.

Says this, footstep immediately to write you the recipe.

Ingredients (for 4 people): 1 bunch of fresh asparagus; 8 great eggs of hens raised to earth; around ½ milk's glass; 1 flour spoon of tender wheat; 2 spoons of nuisance padano; 1 tea teaspoon of curcuma; 2 tablespoon of oil of olive; salt and pepper q.b.

Procedure: To start boiling some salty water in a proper pot for the cooking to the vapor. To put back the asparagus, after having cleaned them some most leathery part and washed, in the bottle-holder and to make them cook for about 20 minutes.

In the meantime to prepare the mixture for the omelet. To beat the eggs with some salt and, keeping on beating to add little by little the flour sieved with the curcuma; then to lengthen with the milk and to unite the cheese. To put on the fire a frying pan with the oil (or, if you are preferred, a peanut of butter) to throw yourselves inside the mixture of eggs and fairies to curdle mixing with a wood spoon. The omelet must result soft and not too curdled.

To prepare the asparagus in the dishes creating a sort of fan and to cover a bystander of it with the omelet. To define the dish with a dusting of pepper.

Good Spring to everybody!

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